Thursday, January 24, 2008


Software Performance Engineering For Banks And Financial Institutions


Performance is one quality of software that can make or mar it. Poor performance can cause major losses. Hence, performance is an integral part of the various functions of Banks and Financial Institutions. Financial Institutions invest heavily in IT products and services for their better survival. Performance Engineering reduces TCO for IT and optimizes application performance.

Software Performance:

Software performance problems usually occur due to a fundamental misunderstanding of dealing with performance objectives. The idea is to tune for performance after getting the functionality right. Performance problems are complicated and require extensive code changes. Systematic planning and predicting the performance of the emerging software throughout the development process help in managing software performance properly.

Software Performance Engineering:

Software Performance Engineering is a systematic, quantitative, software-oriented approach to manage software performance proactively. Software Performance Engineering helps in recognizing problems early in development and corrects them.

The three measures of performance are Speed, Scalability and Stability, in which discrepancies may occur. Performance Engineering is all about solving a problem to achieve a desired and beneficial outcome.

The Cost of Performance Problems:

1. Ncreased hardware & development costs.

2. Cancelled projects.

3. Damaged customer relations.

4. Lost income.

5. Reduced competitiveness.

The Growth of Load Testing market:

Large development and implementation costs and the risk of losing of brand equity escalate the cost of application failure. According to Newport Group research, the hourly cost of downtime per million dollars of daily-generated online business revenue can range between $9,500 and $27,500,

Importance of Performance Engineering for Banks and Financial Institutions:

The services like loan, card, insurance, ERP and many more provided by banks and other financial institutions are subjected to improved Software Performance Engineering. Testing Banking Systems help to benchmark applications for users, predict the applications performance, fix problems in early stages, enhance the speed and response time of applications, prevent customer annoyance and loss, and get the most cost effective investment plan.

Testing Banking Applications require performance-engineering services such as Load and Stress test, End-to-end Transaction Testing, Architecture Benchmarking, Capacity Planning, Simulation/ Performance Prediction, Endurance Testing etc.

ReadyTestGos Performance Engineering Services:

ReadyTestGos Performance Engineering Services offer unbiased and unlimited testing of the software, besides offering anytime, over the net and lab testing services. Our consultants possess significant expertise in web servers, databases, networking and more. Our 20,000 sq.ft. Lab at Chennai, co-hosted at San Jose and Singapore is equipped with world-class hardware, software and testing tools for diagnosing and solving problems.

Process Overview:

Any performance engineering process should ensure repeatability, consistent delivery, complete coverage and a strong feedback mechanism to leverage knowledge. Figure 1 illustrates our approach to performance engineering.

Approach to Performance engineering:

To get proper utilization of Performance Engineering, test for common performance bottlenecks and transactions must be conducted. Creation of re-usable test scripts and tracking defects to closure are some way to make it happen.

Server Testing:

Server Testing needs to monitor Web, Application and Database Servers very well.

Performance Test Runs:

Performance Test Runs include:

Baseline and Diagnostic Test Runs, and Enhancement Test.


Server Side and Client Side Monitoring are crucial for finer performance measure.


Testing Banking Systems is followed by the submission of a test report containing ReadyTestGos primary client and server side observations, its analysis of the correlated client and server side data and it would attempt to identify any and all bottlenecks in the application.

The graph in the following figure depicts a typical client and server side co-relation showing that the web site under test failed to scale beyond a user load of around 55 concurrent users due to high CPU utilization. It also shows that user processes were the primary contributors to the high CPU utilization observed and that CPU utilization by the Kernel and the I/O subsystem was nominal.

ReadyTestGo is a professional Software Testing Company ( ) and Outsourcing QA ( ) For more details, please contact marketing@readytestgo.comFaustine Blog99188
Evangeline Blog26207

A Logo Without Your Name... Can Be A Big Branding Pain!

I often get asked to develop a small business's logo as a symbol-only logo. But for many small businesses, this isn't the right choice for a couple of reasons.

Designing a symbol-only logo is a much more complicated (and often more expensive) process, because the symbol has to:

- Carry a lot more meaning - there's no text to help explain the business. It's important that your logo has some meaning and a role in explaining your business - and that's a lot for a little symbol to do all by itself.

- Be entirely unique all on its' own. I don't need to tell you that there are a whole lot of logos out there. A lot of the basic shapes - and even some of the more complicated ones - are already "owned" by big corporations. But you can still use variations or combinations of those shapes when they're designed into a logo with your company name.

- Communicate to your audience. The more obscure the symbol design that you create, the less likely that your customers will understand its meaning. Or they may interpret it incorrectly. Either way your clients will feel alienated - and that's never good.

If you do create a symbol-only logo, you'll have a couple of challenges with your brand identity:

- It will take a lot more time and effort to educate your target audience about your business. Think of all the symbol-only logos that are really memorable, like Nike or Apple. The reason that those are so memorable and well-known is that each of those companies has a very large advertising budget. They can afford to dedicate people and time to getting the word out. Their deep pockets build visibility and encourage recognition. Small businesses just don't have those kinds of resources.

- Trademark infringement can be more of a problem - from both sides of the fence. It can be very difficult for your designer to design a logo that won't look like any other trademarked logo out there, regardless how hard they try.

1. First of all, it's hard for a designer to comprehensively research all of the other trademarked logos just to see what you're up against. However, the Trademark Office has more thorough tools and methods of researching the other existing logos out there and they might find one that you overlooked.

2. Secondly, logos and trademarks can be a bit subjective. Just because you and your designer think that the design that you've created doesn't infringe on other logos, the Trademark Office might reject your application based on their interpretation of "similarity"

3. And you're not just worrying about what the Trademark Office thinks. Any other business with an existing trademark could also challenge your application. They can even ask you to cease-and-desist using your logo after it has been trademarked if they held their trademark to a similar logo first. While surrendering might not seem like such a bad thing, remember that you'd also have to destroy any existing printed collateral, forfeit your trademark (and the trademarking process isn't cheap!) and redesign all of your materials. You'll also lose the equity and memorability that you will have built up in your logo if you do have to redesign.

If you do finally manage to design and trademark a symbol-only logo, you'll have to be extra-vigilant about making sure that other companies don't design a mark that's similar to yours. You are ultimately responsible for "policing" your own trademark and will have to stay up-to-date on trademark applications.

Alternately, you could hire someone to keep an eye on new trademarks for you but that can be expensive.

You can easily avoid all of these complications by designing a combination logo that includes both a symbol and your company name. Once you've designed your combination logo, you should always use the components together. This helps avoid potential legal issues like those mentioned above.

Erin Ferree is a brand identity and marketing design strategist who creates big visibility for small businesses. Through her customized marketing and brand identity packages, Erin helps her clients design effective websites that help them extend their brands, bring in new clients and make sales. http://www.elf-design.comVicki Blog90356
Vitia Blog9329

Work At Home Business

We all know that in order to strike it rich in the business world we need to formulate a unique idea, that has never been created before, and make a business out of it. Even though many people have done just that, many people who operate a work at home business, suffer from failure. This is not because their idea is not unique, it generally has to do with the fact that many people do not really know how to operate a work at home business, even the smallest basics.

When you have decided to operate a work at home business, the first thing you should think about how you will legally operate your business. You will have to decided between four different choices and these are Corporation, limited partnership, partnership, or sole proprietorship.

Sole proprietorship is the best choice for someone operating a work at home business, for the simple fact that you are looking to break free of your current job and experience independence and freedom that you had never had in your life.

A Successful Work at Home Business

The first and most important aspect of operating a successful business is having a good rein on the expenses. You do not want to start on the wrong foot. Many people believe that the legal costs, expensive furniture, or a flashy office determines success. However, the good rule of thumb is to avoid purchases that do not protect your investment or fails to make you any money.

Sole proprietorship is chosen for many reasons, one is you have the ability to invest anything and everything without having to protect that investment with a corporation. If any protection is needed you have it within the Federal Bankruptcy Act home provision. Thanks to this act, some areas of your life is protected such as portion of your homes equity, vehicle, personal belongings, and household items.

However, becoming a partner or sole proprietor of a work at home business does not exclude you from taxes. You will still have taxes similar to when you were at a hourly or salary paid employment. Some people choose a corporation because within the laws you have the ability to manipulate the salary you earn to save money during tax time.

If you own a work at home business and incorporate it, there are disadvantages to this as well. Typically when you incorporate a business, there are a variety of legal papers needed when you make major changes within the business. You also need to undertake extremely elaborate account methods, higher taxes, as well as strict operation laws when it comes to your work at home business.

Victoria Hargis has over 10 years experience in internet marketing and is the CEO of The place where work at home moms find the tips, tricks & tools to start and build their home business.Vilma Blog79805
Evita Blog98061

Accounting Made Easy with Small Business Credit Cards

Jaded by a routine 9 to 5 job? Stifled by your thankless work? Have you bartered your dreams away for an emotionally unsatisfying life? If you have finally decided to wrench yourself free from your shackles, it is time to take stock financially and see how small business credit cards can actually help you in starting your and running your own business.

When you set out on this exciting new journey, you are likely to face a number of challenges, and with them, teething troubles. You can avoid such stress if you make good use of the various tools specially designed to assist entrepreneurs in their ventures. Small business credit cards are by far one of the most important accounting instruments made available to you.

Small Business Credit Cards are Valuable Accounting Tools

One of the major problems that small businesses face is detailed accounting of their monetary transactions. Finances of any business must be immaculate and readily presentable, and if you haven not done such accounting before, be prepared for a tough task.

Usually, a small business suffers from insufficient manpower. Business owners assume various roles and are often under tremendous pressure to perform efficiently in a frenetic race against time to meet deadlines. Thus, opportunity for human error creeps in. But when it comes to finances, even the minor errors can spell disaster for your new baby.

Small business credit cards offer an opportunity to ease this tension and minimize errors. Whenever a transaction is done through a small business credit card, it is automatically reflected in a monthly statement. Your books can then be easily updated on time with the help of these all-inclusive statements showing specific details. A thorough account of all purchases can easily be maintained in this manner.

Managing Your Business with Small Business Credit Cards

Small business credit cards generally offer features such as online banking and round-the-clock technical assistance. This is especially handy when it comes to bill payment, downloading data, viewing expense reports, redeeming points, and overall maintenance and monitoring of transactions.

Add-on Benefits of a Small Business Credit Card

Credit card companies have bettered the deal by offering additional benefits on small business credit cards. As a business owner, you cannot afford to ignore these benefits. For example, obtaining incrementally higher credit limits can provide you with additional liquidity when required and more opportunities to expand your business products and services.

A small business credit card can also have a cash back offer that entitles the cardholder to rebates on purchases made with collaborating businesses. The refund may be reflected on the customers account statement or just be provided by way of a periodic rebate check. Some cards also come with airline and travel reward incentives and you can even earn frequent flyer miles with your purchases that can also be redeemed for discounts and rewards.

Small business credit cards have revolutionized the way fledgling businesses approach finance. Card statements that are usually made available online can help remove tedious accounting paperwork. Small business credit cards empower even those with the most rudimentary knowledge of accounting, freeing them up to focus on growing their respective businesses.

Robert Alan advises that you visit for more information on small business credit cards.Fidela Blog6545
Fawnia Blog85207

Dont Be a Target: Nine Simple Home Security Tips

Burglars will always go after the easiest target. Not necessarily the biggest house on the blockbut the easiest one to break into. Burglars like dark houses, and they like to get in fast. If your house is well-lit or takes more than five minutes to break into, chances are theyll go elsewhere. If you want to make your house less inviting to burglars, heres how to do it.

Keep the lights on. Its a good idea to invest in security lighting. If your home or yard is kept lit at night, its a definite burglar deterrent. When lighting your home, its important not to make it blaze so brightly it bothers the neighborsbut a downlight over your garage and front doors, uplights beneath windows, and a few well-placed outdoor lamps in the yard can go a long way towards discouraging most break-ins.

Get a good home security system. The best home security systems have an alarm that automatically alerts the police. Motion detectors are useful to install in your yardturn them on before you go to bed at night so they dont go off when you and your family are outside during the day.

Have a thick door with a deadbolt. Your door should be in good repair. It should fit its frame well, with no chinks and no soft or rotting wood in the frame. The best lock in the world wont keep a burglar out if your door isnt strong as well. You should have a deadboltnever rely on those doorknob locks. Get a peephole, preferably a wide-angle one, installed in your door. Its much safer than using a chainstrong burglars can break those chains and push you aside to get in.

If you have a garage, this also applies to the door that leads from it to the inside of your house. Garage doors are often flimsy, with cheap locks. Make sure the door that goes into your house from your garage is just as strong as your outside-access doors, with the same strong deadbolts and peephole.

If you have sliding glass doors, youve probably noticed the locks are weak. Dont depend on a stick set in the door channel. Go to your local hardware store and see what they have for strong locks for these doors.

Dont make it obvious youre away. When you go away on holiday, dont close your blinds any more than you usually do. Have the post office hold all mail and packages so it doesnt collect outside your door. Ask a friend to collect hand-delivered circulars from your doorstep. If youre going to be gone for longer than a week, pay someone you trust to mow your lawn or shovel your driveway.

Many people install timers on the lights in their homes, and set them to go on and off at appropriate times to make it look like youre home. There are lots of other ways to do this as well, like installing motion-sensitive lights outside of your house and putting your radio and TV on a timer so that they go on and off, as well.

Get a home security safe. If you have anything especially valuable in your housejewelry or important documents, for exampleprotect them with a home security safe. These can go a long way toward protecting your peace of mind, as well as your belongings.

Dont show off tempting items. Open your blinds and look in your windowsfrom the street as well as from your yard. Can you see a television, a computer, stereo equipment, or any other valuables from your windows? If so, you may be advertising to burglars without knowing it. Make sure nobody from outside can see any valuable objects in your house. Also, dont leave anything outside in your yard that can be carried offit makes too tempting a target for even casual thieves.

Watch your windows. Make sure your windows are strong and in good repairincluding the frames. In addition, its a bad idea to put a window-mounted air conditioner in a window on the ground floorthese can be easy to push out. Its a good idea to trim shrubs and trees near windows, as these can provide cover for burglars.

Careful with your keys. Dont keep your keys on a ring with your home address anywhere on it. And dont hide an extra key under the doormat, in that flowerpot by the door, or anywhere else outside. You may think youve found the perfect hiding place, but most burglars know where to look. Think about getting a key safe.

Contact your local police. Often, the police will send someone to assess your house and recommend the steps you should take to make your home safer. This is a good thing to do anytime you move into a new house, or if there have been robberies at other homes in your area recently.

Keep your house from being a tempting target. Dont help burglars rob you by keeping your house dark at night, keeping expensive items by the window, or neglecting your windows and doors. Follow these simple tips, and your home will be much less inviting to criminalsand much safer.

Anthony Neary works for the UKs premier supplier of home and office safes. For more information on a range of security safes visit Blog11728
Verile Blog10451

Internet Marketing In South Africa

Part 1

This article is written from my own experiences, on the many problems facing South African based internet marketers. As a South African, myself, I have been trying to establish myself in internet marketing, for the last three years, but have come across a number of obstacles, which have proved seriously detrimental to my efforts. If you are South African, you can probably relate to this. If you have been battling what seem insurmountable odds, or if you are new to this concept, the message is the same. Stop wasting your time and your money on what is bound to be nothing less than - wasting your time and your money and I will explain why I said that. If you are an internet marketer, who is not South African, you should also read this article, because you are, unwittingly, leaving a lot of money on the table.

As we all know, South Africa is a part of Africa and is unfairly considered as a third world country, with the incorrect perception that this second largest continent, is nothing more than a waste of time, in the field of internet marketing. Well, I beg to differ. I will attempt to outline some of the misconceptions, obstacles, causes and remedies that I have encountered.

Yes, it is true that Africa has not progressed as much as the so called first world countries, but it is taking giant strides towards that. The advent of the internet, is only just beginning to catch on and the vast majority of the population, still have no access at all, but it is coming and it is coming fast. The internet is now available in all countries around the world and Africa is no different. We all know about the Nigerian internet scams. It is just that the vast majority of the population are poverty stricken and cannot afford the service, many are illiterate and the majority of the continent consists of large open spaces and small villages, making the physical provision of any basic services such as electricity, clean water, telephones and other communication devices extremely difficult. It is also an ongoing problem, where these desperate people steal cables and anything that can be traded for a meal. So, at this stage the internet is only available in the bigger metropolitan areas. It makes sense, doesn't it? Imagine how easy it is to supply services to a very densely populated area like England and where everyone is literate, in a fixed abode and living above the poverty line.

South Africa is the most technically advanced country in Africa and not far behind the standards of the other technology rich countries, but we are seriously lacking in internet technology. The internet is still very new to South Africa and has only just begun to catch on. It is experiencing a phenomenal growth rate and more and more businesses and individuals are "hooking up". All of the major cities are able to offer various means of connection such as ADSL, bluetooth, wireless and people are getting connected on their pcs, laptops and cellphones. The rural areas are battling to get connected and the only option available to them at this stage is the old antiquated dial up system using a telephone line, or via satellite. Promises have been made by government, that in a few years, everyone will be able to get a telephone and therefore, will have internet access available to them. This represents an enormous potential for wary marketers.

This is the overview of the situation with internet access in Africa and more particularly, South Africa. In the next article, we will look at some of the problems faced by South African users and the effects they have on internet marketing.

Part 2

Recent political changes, have reversed the fortunes of the South African population, in that the previously disadvantaged black community, now have money and the fine things in life, including access to the internet. Whereas before they wouldn't have been considered a viable market, they are now able to access the internet and dabble in small business. They want more. The whites, on the other hand, now find themselves out of work, unsure of the future and desperately seeking an alternative means of income. Both groups make good target markets, and both are particularly keen on using the internet to improve their lot in life. Remember, the internet is the biggest employer in the world and does not recognise age, colour, education, physical disabilities, wealth etc. People hear of the successes achieved on the internet and are fooled into looking for a quick fix. The internet and marketing via this medium, gives everyone an equal opportunity, well, almost everyone. Not South Africans, unfortunately.

Something like 70% of the S.A internet community, access the internet on the computers at their places of employment and as much as two hours each workday, is lost to private usage of the internet. Obviously these people are not all looking for ways to make money, but a large percentage are. These people who are newly exposed to all the hype on the internet are easily sucked in to believing the sales pitch. A lot of money is being spent on all sorts of junk and causing many heartbroken families. I was like that too. I firmly believed I could make a lot of money on the internet and set about joining all sorts of schemes. They do not work, but these desperate and nave people don't know that. Imagine if it was possible to guide them, to channel all that energy and curiosity and of course all that money into your bank account? If those people all trusted you and listened to your advice, if you were able to develop well thought out plans and business opportunities? If those people all joined your membership site?

One of the biggest drawbacks in S.A is that the internet and allied services are still very expensive and difficulty in finding a good service provider. Other first world countries have direct, fast, unlimited service at very reasonable prices and if they do experience problems with the service provider, there are plenty of others to try. According to a recent survey, something like 70% of all internet users, regularly access the 'net from their places of employment. The employer provides pcs and internet for business purposes and these curious people cheat their employers, by using his service for private usage. People send emails to friends, go shopping, download files, look at pornography, play games, gamble and read classifieds and other adverts for a better job, or an easy method of earning more money. From this survey it was estimated that as much as 85% of this target group were looking for self employment opportunities. Now, that's a lot of people! If the price of internet access was cheaper, all these people would use it at home. In fact, most do have internet access at home, but due to small caps on their usage and exorbitant prices, they rather use the employer's service. My point is that millions are searching for opportunities on the internet and the fact that crime is rampant only makes them more determined, to start a business from home. This is a huge potential for marketers. So what is the problem? Why are more South Africans actively getting involved? In the next article, we will start looking at these problem areas.

Part 3

As the internet is still relatively new to South Africa, we don't have many experts, or experience in the field. Those calling themselves experts, have only a limited knowledge and are far too expensive, when compared to overseas competitors. Simple things like service provision, web hosting, design and site building, software, tools, optimisation and advertising, are grossly overpriced. In most cases, they are bought overseas and resold here. I was given a quote, last month, of R120 ($17) per month, for basic, small webhosting service, excluding the domain registration and excluding the internet service provision. That was only the hosting! I was quoted R6000 ($857) for a designer, to look at one of my websites and to make a couple of small changes. It is crazy. We pay between R8 and R12 for an mp3 song, which costs from 10c to 90c in the U.S.A.

The state owned telecommunications company, Telkom, have the monopoly and squash all opposition. This has led to very highly priced access and an indifferent service. Nearly all packages offered by them, or sub contactor service providers, are restricted and capped. The actual service, the technical help and the customer relations are dreadful. The dial up service is very unreliable, the speeds are far lower than advertised, due to the poor state of the physical 'phone lines and the modems cost the earth. Take the U.S.A for example, where there are something like 800 million people with regular access and hundreds of competitors all offering better prices. The internet is a way of life and the huge speeds and download capabilities are taken for granted. In South Africa only something like 27 million have any form of access, largely due to the high costs. I got a quote from Telkom last week for satellite service. The basic installation cost is R3100 ($443), paid upfront. The monthly rental for the satellite service, capped at 3 Gigs, is R1263 ($180) and I still need a service provider who comes in at a basic charge of R284 ($40) plus consumption and of course I still need to keep my basic phone service for R110 ($16) plus call usage. Once the cap is reached, the service is suspended and additional packages can be purchased for R120 ($17) per 250 Megs. So in all it will cost me, monthly, around R2317 ($331) for a basic internet service of 4Gigs and a phone at home. Obviously there are cheaper options available in the cities, but living out of town, there is no choice. By the way, a friend living in the U.S.A got a similar quote for only $40 (R280) per month and his service boasted more facilities and no capping whatsoever.

For some reason, probably the old apartheid days, South Africa was boycotted by the wealthy first world countries and nobody has told them yet, that times have changed. South Africans suffer many discriminatory obstacles in the use of the internet and over the last few years, I have repeatedly been stumped by these. I have two messages of advice here. To the frustrated, aspirant South African marketers and those who will follow shortly, stop and listen. Do not waste more time and money trying all sorts of offers, you will not succeed. Rather use the time to brush up on your skills. Select a market niche and learn to use control panel, FTP, html, php, hyperlinks and all the other things, that will help you to run your business. Wait for the solution. I have enlisted the help of two of the world's top marketers to find a way around the problems, for you. To the marketers who are knowingly, or unknowingly discriminating against certain countries, you are leaving money on the table and missing out on a huge potential market. But, that's okay, I'll take it. These are some of the more general problems experienced by South Africans. In the next article, we will look at some of the specific problems affecting our marketing abilities.

Part 4

By now, you are probably wondering what other problems I'm talking about and how they are affecting our chances of success. If you have been involved for a while, you have probably encountered a few of these yourself and if you are a newbie, you are likely to still come across these problems soon.

There are obvious generalities that exclude South Africans from participating. We joined about 163 survey companies, when we first started out on the internet. We soon found out that most were American companies and only for Americans. That makes sense, when the product, or service being rated is only available there, but why do they mislead us and take our money. You must have seen the misleading ads about how quick and easy it is to earn money by doing simple surveys. A lot of them claim to be international, for anybody who understands English. The same thing happens. You are invited to do the survey, but as soon as you type in your address, you are told it is not available in your area. We wasted a lot of money on these. The foolproof unconditional money back guarantees are a lot of hogwash. Just ignore them.

The same thing happened with the typing services. My wife joined a few of them, with the promise, that as long as she had a basic working knowledge of English, no experience was necessary. Money as easy and fast to earn, on simple assignments. Well, she wasn't given any assignments and on enquiring as to the reason, she was told that we spell differently. That was not ever mentioned at the time of joining and was also money wasted. For Pete's sake, we speak and spell correctly. It is the Americans who changed the language.

We also joined a lot of companies who promised to pay us for surfing and reading emails. We worked our butts off and eventually, after almost a year, had earned a whopping $247000! We tried to cash in, but were then told that no cheques could be issued. Monies were only paid into American bank accounts. They said they were an international company and anyone in the world could join. But, not get paid.

We often see special promos on free hosting, free domain registration and other all too important services. All looks great from the outside, but as soon as we apply we find out that we are unfortunately not eligible. I don't know how many times I have won prizes. Cash, free products, a trip, ocean cruises, but on trying to claim them, I'm told they don't apply to South Africans.

Very often, freebies are included to sweeten a deal. I joined a music site for mp3 downloads. The price was inclusive of a whole bunch of bonuses. I was to get meal tickets, petrol (gas) coupons, membership of some or other club, discounts on shopping, blah, blah, blah. Needles to say, I joined and paid full price, but never got any of the goodies that all my American counterparts received. I am very into music and 2 years ago I purchased Music Match Jukebox, with free updates for life, access to the online music shop and full usage of something I think was called Radio Gold. It was full access to 150 live radio stations. After I received my purchase, all I had was the jukebox and the promise of updates. On enquiry, I was told "Sorry, but this offer doesn't apply to you", but I paid the full price. Why don't they tell us before we pay? Why don't we get a discount? This seems to be common practice and apart from the obvious discrimination and disappointment is false advertising.

Anyway, these are some problems I have experienced, but not really connected in any way to our functionality at internet marketing. What are the problems facing South African marketers? More in the next article.

Part 5

We have covered quite a few problems facing South Africans already and here are some more.

Overseas companies, particularly those in the U.S.A, offering opportunities, services and resources, usually require a fixed email address, at the time of joining. This is to prevent temporary accounts and others such as Hotmail, from being used, as it is very easy to cancel, or change, after joining and the marketer is left with a useless address, in his contact list. South Africans have another problem, in that most of our suffixes, such as, telkomsa, za, are not allowed. Usually your country is required and many of the drop down menus have small, insignificant countries such as Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mauritius, Ivory Coast listed, but not South Africa. So we have to get ourselves an email address with an overseas company, just to comply. Why?

We, as South Africans, have no shopping carts, or payment processors, suitable for international use, or integration, into overseas websites and the biggest culprit is PayPay. They are the first choice, worldwide and any marketer not offering PayPal, as a means of payment, is seriously disadvantaged. Why then, do they not deal with South Africa? Sure, you can make a purchase through them, but they will not collect monies for you, or allow you to make a withdrawal, if you are South African. Other smaller countries are catered for, but not S.A. There are other options, but none as popular. Most payments, affiliate plans and opportunities, pay through PayPal. I joined dozens of respected affiliate plans and spent a great deal of effort, on advertising, before I found out the truth.

A few months ago, I was experiencing the common problems all new marketers face. I knew what I wanted to do, but not how to actually get it done. I'm talking about the setting up, in order to start business. I needed a domain name, a website, content and products, a hosting service, a shopping cart, a mailing list facility, a form for grabbing visitor's details, a payment processor, or two, etc etc. You know what I'm talking about. There are so many options available. The web is full of them. Some are free, some cheap, some having special offers, but which was the best for my needs? Nobody tells you that sort of information. How much space do you need for a bookstore, how much bandwidth do you need for customer downloads? How does the speed affect you? I had played around a bit with wysiwyg editors and done a little html coding. I had used a couple of free websites and hey, the last one I built without their website templated builder. I thought I was getting good, but still a little out of my depth. That scared me a bit, so I decided to look for a ready made, turnkey business. They all say the only thing you need to do is to enter your password and account details, then sit back and watch the money roll in. Well I eventually found something that sounded ideal. It was expensive, but I thought I would be saving in the long run. I wanted to sell ebooks, articles, plr, courses and so on. I paid for this business, as I had seen the example and even test drove the shopping cart prior to purchase. Just when I thought I had found a shortcut to starting my business, the problems began. What problems? Read the next article to find out and to see the solution.

Part 6

We were talking about the problems I encountered after I had bought the bookstore. Well firstly, the whole bookstore was inphp with cpanel control panel, my sql and a whole lot of Greek terms. You remember I had worked with online and offline editors in wysiwyg and a little html. Well now I was lost. I was warned not to try to edit in an html editor, or I would corrupt the php. I had never used these before and couldn't understand why I couldn't find the pages, to edit them. Then I found that the currencies shown on the products were not compatible with the Rand, but I thought so what, I'll just sell in dollars. Then I found that PayPal was not an option. Damn, but hey, I could still use NoChex, or the other one, I forget the name. No way, Jose, those weren't allowed either. I had to have a banking account in USA or UK. I eventually got EGold to work, but how many people pay with gold? That bookstore is still sitting, gathering dust.

There are no local, South African internet companies, for memberships, product sourcing, resources, search engine optimisation etc, so we have to look abroad. Although these are offered reasonably, overseas, we are still subjected to the exchange rate. At present the rate is 7 to the $, 14 to the Pound and around 9 to the Euro, but even so, it is usually cheaper, than our own prices and of course you are spoilt for choice.

Training is another area seriously lacking. With all the conferences, seminars, teleseminars, video training and group discussions unavailable to us in S.A, how are we expected to learn and to keep abreast of developments? Dial up is not powerful enough and anyway it is limited to times between 7pm and 7am, which is a bad time, as even if you stay up all night, it is roughly midnight to midmorning in the States. So how do we learn?

So, with a very limited number of companies prepared to do business with us, with our lack of choice, with our very expensive internet service, with very little access to all the great offers, with our SA email addresses, with our antiquated dial ups, without access to genuine training videos, with the exorbitant exchange rate, with our different spelling, without any reciprocal banks or payment processors, without a compatible shopping cart, with the scams and rip offs and all the rest we have discussed, can South Africans ever hope to get involved in internet marketing?

The truth is rather bleak. Nobody is worried about us, or the problems we have and nobody seems to care. The big "guru" marketers don't seem to be able to think outside their statelines and regard us as a waste of time. They are happy to take our money, though. But wait, there does seem to be a solution for you. As I said earlier, I have teamed up with two of the world's top marketers and together, we are trying to resolve these issues. We will put together a complete, turnkey package deal, a ready to run business, with domain, hosting, website, content, decent affiliate plans, a stream of products, an exclusive membership, a working shopping cart and payment processor, training and ongoing support, a proven plan, optimisation, adsense and other monetised methods for those poor South Africans, who want to be marketers. The hardest part of having your own business, is setting it up and getting it working. You will be able to enter the market place and do very well for yourselves, with our help, so in the meantime, there are a few things you must do.

Familiarise yourself with market trends and choose a niche market, in which you want to trade. Start practicing the basics and learn how things work. Get your mind sorted out. Tell yourself you can do it and will change your life. Sign up to our newsletter and mailings. If you really want to finally realise your dreams, give up the job, work from home, earn a good income, have flexibility and satisfaction, and be competitive in the international arena, then there is only one way you are going to acquire this - through us.

To remain informed of our progress, by newsletter and mail, to get recommended tools and lessons and to start your journey to wealth, sign up here. It's free. Click this link :

Derek Robson is an up and coming South African internet marketer, with a vision of empowering all fellow South Africans, to have equal opportunity and success on the internet. He has started a string of sites, resources, courses and articles as part of Dersalsites.Fanya Blog11210
Vinnie Blog13907

The Impact Of Niche Marketing

Marketing a home business is a lot of work. One way to make things easier is to try niche marketing. Niche marketing is about finding a very specialized market to sell your products to.

There is a lot of competition in business. With so many businesses now going online, the competition is even more fierce. That is why so many business owners use niche marketing.

Niche marketing is a specialized technique of marketing where a business finds a small segment of the market that is highly focused and they advertise to this segment.

A niche market is more than a target market because it includes some very specified characteristics. More than just a general area of the market, it focuses on a smaller segment of the market.

When finding a niche market a business owner has to find the characteristics of their niche market. The niche market should have certain qualifications. It needs to have a very specialized need.

A niche market needs to be easily defined. All the people in the niche market need to be similar. They should be in the same general financial bracket and with the same general needs.

When compared to a larger market, a niche market is going to be able to be clearly defined. The niche market will have a specified need for the product. It will include people that are similar and it will allow a business owner to produce targeted marketing and avoid heavy competition.

Niche marketing is a very important aspect of marketing a business. It will give focus to a marketing campaign and it will allow a business owner to advertise to the people who are the most likely to buy their product. It can really help a business owner to get their business off on the road to success.

Copyright © Wonder Nyatanga

Wonder Nyatanga is the owner of To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit: http://www.ProfitEnaires.comVera Blog81056
Faye Blog98413

7 Tricks to Starting an Online Business

The biggest challenge anyone has to making money on the internet is learning how to market or advertise your business on the web.

With that said, here are 7 tricks to starting your online business. A full and complete version can be found at the website below.

Tip: 1

Start small (investment) and learn your way through the mud. Find a business you can start for $20 or less.

Tip: 2

Find a mentor who you can rely on to bounce questions off their head almost anytime of day. This person will become much more than a mentor or friend, they will become your life-blood to online success. All of us have one or several of these people and they make that much of a difference.

Tip: 3

Knowledge and training kind of go hand in hand. You need to have access to a library of information that can help you learn how to market, where to market and what to pay for that marketing expense.

Tip: 4

When your computer is turned on, it is very easy to get lead astray. One simple email can take you off task. Before you turn on your compute, have a plan laid out that will help you stay on task and keep you in the trenches.

Tip: 5

Your business must include "add-on" products. Much like stacking a set of books one on top of each other, you need to find a business that allows you to add on products that will increase your income from one single personal contact. Your best customers will always be inclined to purchase more from you, as long as you have a quality product.

Tip: 6

Business tools if at all possible should be a covered expense by your company. Yes, you can start out selling for clickbank, but you better have your own website to do it with.

A good company will include all your business tools without you having to pay a dime for them. I am talking about a system which includes: web hosting, domain name, programming, SEO managing, maintenance, forum, training library, etc.

Tip: 7

You need "high in demand" products. Some of the best products are digital in nature. "How to" products are a hot commodity on and off the internet and if you find them, market them, you will make some good money, which leads me to.....

Tip: 8

Yes, I know I said 7 tricks but forgive me without adding. "GETTING PAID". That is the only reason to start an online business, correct?

You want to make some extra money. Let me ask you one simple question: Would rather be paid 20 commission or 100 commission. Currently we receive 100% commission from each product sale and we like it that way.

The author, Bob Alter has been marketing on the internet since 1998. To read the entire article please visit: Blog13512
Farrand Blog58224

A Marketing Plan to copy

What does a marketing plan cost these days?

Hundreds, thousands? Not that much if you know what to do your self!

Have you asked a Marketing Agency for a quote todraw up a Marketing Plan recently? If you own a small business, then it is hard to justify spending the 600 a day one asked for. We all have to watch our bottom lines like hawks, especially in the difficult-trading-conditions we seem to be in. But here is a dilemma! A Marketing Plan is a really essential tool that will show a small business owner where their business is and map out where it needs to go. It is vital in today's competitive environment that even small business should have one.

When you overdraft comes up for renewal and your bank manager has to justify lending the bank's money to your business, think how much easier it would be to convince them with a plan laid out in neat systematic form.

It is the case that far too many small companies don't have a Marketing Plan, or the owner has it locked up in his head. A place of storage that is really difficult to access when you need to show it to the potential investor or the bank manager. Inevitably this event usually occurs when you are really busy and committing your plan to paper, or computer file, is added pressure that you really could do with out. I run a small retail business and recently I studied for, and obtained, the UK's Chartered Institute of Marketing's "Professional Diploma in Marketing". It was a convergent learning course on the net and in four intensive workshop days in my local town. It brought home to me that what we did in our own business was fine up to a point. As the course was very practical, with the chance to use any organisation of the student's choice in the assignments that we had to submit, I ended up formally setting down the Marketing Plan on paper, that had been up there in my head for no one to see!

So what is a Marketing Plan for?

Well, its purpose is to lay down, direct and co-ordinate all your marketing activities and events. It is like a map. With a map it is easier to get some place. With a marketing plan it is easier to get the business to where you want it to head. This is, hopefully, to huge profits!

Perhaps you are the owner or director of a company seeking backing or further investment? Well a good marketing plan can be really important in attracting new investment or better bank facilities.

Perhaps you need help in making choices regarding which parts of the market to focus on and how to compete in that target market (Marketing Strategy)?

Often the mere process of preparing a marketing plan will help you to develop a successful marketing strategy through the discipline and process that you go through.

A good marketing plan will describe all the marketing actions to be carried out within a specific time period. It will contain details of your company, its products or services, its marketing objectives and strategies and information on how to measure the results of the marketing activities.

It might help if I give you a framework of basic elements that a Marketing Plan should include.

Basic Elements of a Marketing Plan

So what do you need?

1.Executive Summary - introduces and explains the major features and recommendations to executives (or your bank manager).

1.1 Introduction - a brief description of your organisation, its products and or services.

The context and objectives of the plan should be described and a description of what your business activities are. You should include current revenues, customers and your market position. You can also blow your own trumpet here! Note your accomplishments and successes to date.

If it is a new market entry or entirely new markets you are going for, then here is the place to describe any experience, training or competencies that your company has.

1.2 Vision, Mission Statement and Objectives

Mission statements focus on the long-range purpose of your marketing plan.

"To educate entertain and enlighten our clients so that they become more successful Marketers."

Company objectives should be more specific and oriented towards action.

"We will deliver a balanced range of Marketing Solution Publications to the U.K. and Europe through mail order and Internet."

1.3 Team description

Who will deliver the plan? What are the resources and structure of the team who will do so?

Management skills and capabilities. List any Marketing knowledge, sales skills, copy-writing ability, etc.

Agencies - Include any Marketing consultants, PR agencies you are using.

If there are any gaps honestly point them out and do a Training Needs Analysis.

1.4 Main marketing objectives

You need only give a brief statement of these here to close the Executive summary.

2.1 Current market conditions

What are the trends in your market?

What are the dynamics facing businesses such as yours?

Who are your target customers?

What competition do you face?

2.2 Market trends:

You should describe the macroeconomic trends that directly affect the target market that your marketing plan is aimed at.

This is where the PEST Framework is useful to include. (Sometimes referred to as PESTEL, SLEPT or PESTE) the components are:







2.3 Target market

It goes without saying that you should be aiming all your marketing efforts precisely at a target market or you are heading for a disaster.

All good marketing planning should follow from a very detailed segmentation of the market.

Size? Is it growing, staying the same, or shrinking?

Customer characteristics e.g. age, sex, income level, location, marital status, number of children etc.

Habits, patterns and values of target customer.

What are their wants, needs and desires?

What are their buying habits? - How do they spend their disposable income and when do they buy and how do they buy? How many times and when?

2.4 Competition analysis

In the micro environment analysis of a Marketing Audit you will hopefully have identified your present and potential competitors. What are their key products / services? How do they differentiate them selves? You should briefly explain the actions that you will take to oppose or overcome your competitor's offerings.

I highly recommend you use Professor Michael Porter's Five Forces Model for this and the four other threats he identifies. Space does not allow me to go into detail here although I have written a more comprehensive report in which I include a diagram of the Five Forces Model available from my own website:

2.5 Issues analysis

You should briefly list such key external issues as government legislation affecting your business, or new technological development that impinges on your product.

3.1 SWOT analysis





A major component of any marketing plan is the SWOT analysis. Strengths and weaknesses are born of internal elements while opportunities and threats come from outside.

When opportunities and threats are recognised they can then be examined from the point of view of your product strengths and weaknesses.

What could we change or improve about our product to make it easier for the customer?

What are our customers' wants and desires? - We may possibly find new opportunities by thinking about such questions.

It is worth remembering that a threat can also be an opportunity to you, while a strength may also be a weakness depending on your point of view!

A business offering a vast selection of products may see this as one of their strengths. But for the customer, confused by the bewildering array of options as they try to find what they need, sees it as a weakness.

4. Positioning Strategy

Decide how you want your clients to perceive you in your marketplace.

Lowest price?

Best service?

Highest quality?

This is all part of the differentiation process.

5. Differentiation

You want to 'stand out from the crowd' so you need to make some decisions on segmentation and the positioning of your business. Combine this with your competitive analysis and you should be able to differentiate yourself from the competition.

6. Key messages

Thinking about differentiation should also help you to decide on your 'Key messages'. Be warned that it usually takes time for these to make an impact, to 'sink in', as it were. This means it is important to keep repeating your consistent messages throughout any marketing campaigns.

7. The Marketing Mix

The 4 P's.P is for:

Product - List your companies products and services. Include their key features. Is there something unique about them? If you are launching a new product or service include it here.

Price - There are many ways to set a price, some more scientific than others are! Remember that pricing is an integral part of the marketing strategy. Ask yourself is the customer willing to pay the price proposed and will it give you any profit? Some prices may be set on a cost-plus basis - adding a profit on to the costs of producing the goods or services. A better way is the 'market-based' price because it takes into account what your competitors are charging.

Place - where do you sell? Direct, through an intermediary? Bricks and mortar or virtual outlet?

Promotion - what activities are you going to use to create awareness of your product or service to generate sales? This is also referred to as Marketing Communications and includes direct selling, corporate events, brochures, web-sites, advertising. You should be warned that many inexperienced marketers think that the promotional plan is the entire marketing plan. It is, as you can see, but one component of the marketing plan.

7a. Integration of Promotional activity

Have you got a consistent look and feel to all your marketing mix? It is wise to make sure all your communications, brand positioning, propositions, messages, etc are derived from a single brand position so it is not confusing to the consumer by being fragmented. Also are there cross selling opportunities for you to exploit?

Only 4 Ps? - Funny, I thought I heard there were 7!

Before leaving the marketing mix I need to tell you about the Extended mix, which adds People, Process and Physical evidence to Product, Price, Place and Promotion.

If you are a service, or a not-for-profit organisation, then the extra three Ps are most important for you. But don't just assume that because you are not, that they don't apply!

People oriented organisations have to consider how their personnel make the marketing activities more, or less, effective when dealing face to face (or on the phone) with their public.

Process makes it easy for you to deal with the organisation. If it is a charity, for example, today people expect to be able to go on-line, set up direct-debits, pay by card and not just put money in the street collectors tin.

Physical evidence is expected to result from paying for a service or donating to a charity. You expect to see some physical evidence of the use your money has been put to.

8. Marketing Budget

You need a detailed budget for the next year showing the budgeted costs for each of your promotional items.

9. Measurement

Results and feed back must be gathered each month and compared with the marketing plan. When they are going astray you need to take corrective action.

Another tip is to ask your customers how they found you so that you can monitor what parts of your communications plan are working. Note this and include this in your measurements.

10. Milestones

It is a good idea to announce in the plan some marketing milestones you will strive to achieve. When you pass them celebrate!

So there it is a step by step process to create yourself a professional Marketing plan.

The author is Nicholas Thorne who runs an independent bookshop and a gift business on the Internet.Fifi Blog26031
Eveline Blog53272

Web Work - What Works and What Doesn't

Deciding to start your own Internet Home Based Business can be an exciting and scary time. There are so many opportunities that are offered on the internet. Many are legitimate from reputable and honest work at home internet business vendors. Unfortunately, there are also some fraudulent schemes.

A popular home business opportunity being advertised on the internet is Medical Billing. While being a medical biller is a legitimate home based business, one must be careful of the schemers who are just out for your money and leave you to fend for yourself in an industry where you have little chance of succeeding.

It starts by you responding to the ad for the medical billing work at home business. You will receive a phone call pitch telling you about the burgeoning health care system crisis. Typically, the pitch includes statements about claims piling up and just waiting to be processed. Your opportunity lies in processing these claims electronically, which is not being done often. This is where you make your money.

Doctors, they say, outsource their billing to you. You can work in Accounts Receivable, Insurance Claims, Physician / Dentist practice management. They claim that you do not need experience as training is included and you get the added bonus that their sales staff will put you together with health care clients to get you started. The sad truth is that your investment - $2500-$9000 is seldom recouped. In order to come close to recouping your investment and/or make a profit, you will need to find your own clients. The training you receive is sub-par. The problem with Medical Billing, as it can be a legitimate business, is that the market is saturated, the competition is fierce.

Take careful consideration when choosing a Medical Billing company to partner with. Your best bet is to locate a company in your area, get hired on as a medical biller so that you can receive their training and then work towards moving to a home based operation.

Another legitimate work at home business opportunity that is commonly distorted by schemers is Surveys for cash. There are many survey companies you can join that give you the opportunity to get paid for taking surveys. What you must be mindful of are the websites that say they offer you a home internet survey business opportunity but really only offer you the opportunity to pay upfront money for a listing of those survey sites that will pay you to take their surveys.

Most of the firms that they provide you in their list are firms that you could have found for yourself through your own searching on the internet. Some of the firms on their list aren't even current. The fees charged for the initial directories can be up to $100. What you get for your investment are out of date lists, with incorrect information, poor navigation, inadequate contacts and pages that don't work.

There are some websites that the consumer advocate agency recommended as legitimate paid survey work at home internet business opportunity firms. These sites do charge upfront fees of up to $60.00. The difference between these firms and the schemers are that these firms actually have staff dedicated to helping you find survey clients and assignments. These firms offer a 100% money back guarantee and actually honor that guarantee.

Will paid survey sites make you rich? Probably not, but you can earn a decent income. Most survey sites offer payment for surveys taken anywhere between $15-$25 and some even offer payment of $75 for a completed survey. Time to complete a survey can range from 5-30 minutes per survey. Income potential is up to you. It depends on the amount of time and effort you wish to put forth. A 20 hour week could provide you with a median monthly income of $1600. Again, this won't make you rich but is definitely a good income for something with so many benefits - little to no overhead, no dress code, no rush hour traffic, no training or experience required and hours you determine yourself.

One of the major points of having an Internet home work income business is to be in charge of your life. An Internet home work income business is about working the schedule you want to work, wearing the wardrobe you want to wear, setting up the home office you want to have, and being your own boss. While no one (or at least no one legitimate) would ever tell you that an Internet home work income business is a breeze to start and make a lot of money at, those who have been there and done that and succeeded will tell you its wonderfully stimulating and satisfying no matter what the financial outcome.

Jessica VanderHaar is the Webmaster / Owner of the Best Internet Home Business Website: www.affiliatehomepro.comFrank Blog27482
Ester Blog6901

Pay Per Click Marketing Does It Still Work!

In theory, using the search engines sponsored Pay Per Click advertising is a quick and easy way to provide instant and targeted traffic to your web site. And historically this has always been a good option for new web sites that dont have any other way to get traffic.

Buying traffic via a Pay Per Click can be a viable way to get instant-targeted traffic. And a few years ago it was quite cost effective. It was fairly easy to hit a 4-6 times pay through (spend $100, sell $4-600) on a well-designed campaign. Now its tough to get 2 or 3 times your investment back.

Why is it so difficult to get a good payback now? There are several factors that can have a huge impact on results.

Competition There are many more advertisers and web sites now vying for the same keywords

Google Arbitrage This is mainly an Adsense ploy to buy clicks to create higher paying Adsense clicks

Affiliate Sales These are folks who advertise products for others and make a commission on the sales

Google Crack Down Google has realigned their algorithms to insure more accuracy in search results

Google CTR Factor If you dont get a good ratio of clicks verses views, your cost goes up

Also throw in the fact that you need to write a short ad (25 characters for the headline, 35 for the two lines of copy) that gets clicks, and find keywords that are very target driven before you even get to the cost.

These factors have all caused the price of a keyword to skyrocket. If you look at a basic $35 digital product and below price level, its getting pretty tough to make a profit on high cost keywords. And consider the fact that many web sites sell a physical product that may only have a 50% markup, this can get real ugly if your campaign is tight (low return).

Just so we all are on the same page, lets look at the basic goal of PPC campaign. Its all about the conversion rate. Thats how many products you sell per the number of visitors (200 visitors and 4 sales gives you a 2% conversion rate).

You need to determine if the keyword cost will pay through on the revenue generated by the sales (example: if each click costs you .35, and your product sells for $35.00, and you only convert 1 in 100 - you will lose money). Keep in mind that you will normally pay 2-6% to your payment processor so even though $35 is paid you only net $33 or less. So if you spent $35 on 100 clicks, you just went backwards.

Which means if you have a $35 product, you need to convert at least 2 out of 100 to make a profit on the campaign. Several years ago it was very possible to stay around .05-.25 per keyword click cost. Now it is much more difficult to find keywords below the .30 and many times its much higher than that.

There are other means to improve your conversion rate. A well-written and effective sales pitch can increase sales. Running promotions, offering special incentives, and offering solid value helps too. I know people who get a 6% conversion rate so it is possible to have a larger budget for keywords.

I also know people who have no problem spending $1000 to make $2000. If you look at it in a pure business sense, youre doubling your money. But if something goes awry, or Google makes a right turn and you still go straight ahead it can get darn expensive.

I know folks who are spending $3-4,000 a day on their PPC campaigns. And they are at least doubling and more the return on investment. But the sad thing is they used to spend $1-2000 a day to make the same amount of money. So in many cases the cost has doubled, the profit remained the same.

This does cut a lot of people out of the game. Between the high dollar costs and the lower return, many wont or cant risk that type of money. And learning how to find the right keywords, and then write an effective ad is no walk in the park for most.

Pay Per Click advertising can and does work. But you really have to have a well thought out campaign from start to finish. Good products, sales pitch, incentives, keyword research, effective ad writing, and conversion rates that can pay through are necessary now more than ever with the high costs.

But you should have a well-rounded marketing plan that includes PPC along with other methods to bring targeted visitors to your web site. Organic search engine traffic (basic SEO), a good linking strategy, and even offline advertising are all necessary for generating a constant stream of potential buyers.

John Dow owns, a website that specializes in web site design tools, computer troubleshooting, and security. His WebMaster Essentials CD has helped many new and existing website owners. Go here to learn more: Blog67766
Vita Blog30612

An Effective Marketing Tip Means Business

Is your business just coasting along? Has it been awhile since youve noticed a peak in sales? Are you looking for a way to increase business? An effective marketing tip could really make a positive difference in your business. There are many marketing ideas available to the entrepreneur. Finding one that works for you may require some research and perhaps even trial and error. No doubt with the right advice and venue, you can find a marketing tip that will result in business growth.

An effective marketing tip for one business may not work well for your business. The first step to take in determining what might work well for you is to figure out who your target audience is. For example, if you were promoting skin care, your target audience would likely be female. An effective marketing tip in this case would be to advertise in womens magazines, on the womens television network and any other venues that cater to the female population. Another great marketing tip in this scenario might be to set up a booth in a high traffic shopping area and provide complementary facials. Tradeshows are also great venues for promoting skin care. Either of these ideas used as a marketing tip could be quite beneficial and mean business.

Many individuals are taking advantage of the worldwide access provided by doing business online. Web site promotion is a marketing tip that has been increasing sales for many companies and businesses in recent years. Using web site promotion as a marketing tip requires some work and may mean the need to hire a professional web designer. However, if this marketing tip proves to be effective, the money spent would have been well worth it.

If looking for a marketing tip that might help your business, browsing the Internet for similar products or services may prove to be beneficial. Researching what other individuals are doing to attract business would provide you with prospective methods of marketing your product or service. If you see that a specific marketing strategy is having a positive impact on a similar business, it would certainly be worth implementing in your marketing plan. Nobody is ever happy when their business is taking a downward spiral. It would be so much nicer to see sales increase and business sky-rocket. An effective marketing tip could put you at the top of your game and make the competition sit up and take notice.

Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written many articles on business marketing. For more information checkout Blog18677
Floris Blog42643

Six Great Reasons to Start a Business From Home

Working from home is a wonderful opportunity which many individuals take advantage of these days. Personal reasons and professional reasons are largely the way in which a business from home gets started. Every day individuals are leaving their 9 to 5 office jobs to embark on work at home ventures. With all of the beneficial factors that are associated with home business, it is no wonder that individuals are intrigued and interested in these types of jobs. One will find that the positive attributes of working at home make home-based businesses quite popular. Whatever ones type of business might consist of, there are many great reasons to start a business from home.

1. Ability to Work and Care for the Children

The home business arena is booming for many reasons, but one of the most often cited reasons to start a business from home is so that one or both parents can stay at home with the children while earning an income at the same time. Some individuals shy away from day care facilities, as they would like the best of both worlds by working and caring for their children at the same time. The ability to work and care for the children at home is a highly desirable factor associated with owning a home business. Many home-based businesses make this possible by allowing the parent to be in the house with their children and pay the bills as well.

2. Cut Down Costs

An additional factor which individuals should keep in mind when they are interested in starting a home business is that they will have to pay some extra costs associated with their business expenses. When an individual works outside of the home, they usually have to pay for certain items such as gas for the travel to and from work, tolls and lunches. If you own a business outside of the home, the costs are always increasing. By having a business at home you are able to cut down the extra costs that you would have when working at an office outside of the house, and since you are already paying utility bills anyway, this also will reduce the overhead costs even more.

3. Convenience

The convenience factor is also readily visible in the home business sector. One will surely appreciate the fact that they have no commute which they have to deal with at the beginning and end of the workday. When one starts a business from home and has a home office they will not have to worry about commuting and dealing with all of the headaches and hassles that go along with such a thing like high gas prices, traffic and wear and tear on the automobile. The convenience of working from home is an extremely attractive quality.

4. Time Efficient Priority

If one chooses to start a business from home, they will also find that it is a time efficient alternative to the usual work environment. Not only will the individual save time on the work commute but they will also find that they can eat lunch at home which saves more time by not having to go out to find a meal during the day.

5. Casual Dress Environment

If one has had to wear suits to work each and every day in the past when they worked for a company or corporation, they are sure to appreciate the desire for a casual environment which they can obtain by working from home. Depending on the business one undertakes from home, they might just be able to go to work in jeans and a t-shirt. This is especially true if the venture is one which deals mainly with a technological aspect such as owning websites.

6. Are Able To Work Around the Clock If Needed

One last great reason to start a business from home is that it enables the business owner to work around the clock if they so desire. For example, should the business owner need to finish up some paperwork after dinner, all he/she will need to do is to walk over to their home office and take care of the issue. The 24-hour availability of the business from home provides convenience for the business owner.

In Conclusion

If one is looking to start a work at home business, it is important to consider all of the beneficial factors relating to working from home. By reviewing the factors listed above, one is sure to appreciate the option of working from home even more.

This article may be reproduced as long as everything remains intact. Copyright 2006 Allen Cuzzone

Allen Cuzzone helps small home business owners attract prospects to grow their businesses and be more successful. http://allencuzzone.payitforward4profits.comFaith Blog31884
Evvie Blog57616

Are You Large Format Computer Graphic Literate? These 4 Questions Will Tell You

Today it seems there is a large format printer on every street corner. HP5000's, Encad's, Epson's for large format printing (larger than 35" wide) are available at your nearest Kinko's or Office Max. Many people pull a few files off their internet site, drop them into Photo Shop or Illustrator then take their computer file then submit their saved file to a large format printer and think everything will work out just the way they envisioned it. My experience in producing graphics for the trade show business for the past 25 years tells me otherwise.

In this period of time we've gone from one off screen printing for large trade show signs, to utilizing the Gerber vinyl cutter to make garage sale type signs to today's process which uses computer files for designed for various types of RIPs (Raster Image Processor) that print CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) images on various substrates from paper and vinyl to polycarbonate. Today most large format printing is done using these RIPs and the ink jet high resolution printers.

What are the land mines ahead for most people? Trade show graphics design requires an understanding of graphics computer software. If you can answer the following questions then you may be able to do your own graphic design. (Anwers provided below).

Vector Art - which programs provide it. What does resolution independence mean?

1) File Resolution - How does file resolution limit final print size?

2) Photographic proportioning - How must you scan a 35mm slide to make it fit a 14" x 150" header layout?

3) If you had a 150 pixel by 150 pixel image and we require 100 pixel per inch how big could this be printed?

4)Your image is scanned at 3200 pixels wide x 2400 pixels tall. You need a 15" x 28" graphic. Is the file appropriate?

If you can't answer these questions off hand, you need to pay someone to create your graphic art. I frequently have customers submit files who couldn't answer the above questions and we end up having to recreate their artwork.


1. Vector art is artwork created in a drawing program such as Adobe Illustrator. All images must have outlines around them in order to be vectored artwork. These outlines are represented by mathematical formulae that allow the images to be enlarged to virtually any size and still be printed at a high resolution. That is what resolution independence is the ability to scale a graphic to various sizes and still retain high image quality. Scanned images and digital photography (bitmap images consisting of pixels) are not resolution independent, depending on the output device they can only be printed to a certain size and no larger.

2. File resolution limits final print size for all bitmap images (digital photography and scanned images). If you print RIP requires 100 pixels per inch then the final print size of a file 2569 pixel x 3678 pixels is 2569/100 x 3678/100 or 25.69" x 36.78" and not larger unless you are prepared to live with pixelated and otherwise degraded final images.

3. To use a 35mm slide you would have to severely crop the image and scan it at a very high resolution 1400 pixels x 15000 pixels. The example slide at right show a red box that is the proportion of the 14x150 inch header. As you can see most of the image area of the slide is going to be unavailable for the header proportions. That red rectangle representing about 15% of the total slide would have to be scanned at 1400 pixels x 15000 pixels in order to be printed at an acceptable resolution.

4. A 150 pixel x 150 pixel image could only be printed 1.5" x 1.5". Not nearly large enough for trade show graphics usage.

I suggest that if you don't understand those questions and answers above that you pay someone to do your computer layout for you. You'll save time in the long run and perhaps even make your deadline.

Bob Albright has been designing and selling since 1982. He is the primary owner of Midland Displays, and you can get further information about at his website.Vicki Blog95429
Valeria Blog56221

Affiliate Tips and Tricks How To Make Money As An Affiliate

Affiliate marketing and internet sales continue to grow at an extremely rapid rate on the internet. Whether youre a novice or pro when it comes to affiliate marketing, there are still some things that each affiliate does differently to grow his or her internet business. We will try to break down the most effective methods used by affiliates all over the world today that are growing their internet business as we speak.

Free advertising

When most people decide to give the internet a try as a source of income, initially it can be a very challenging and daunting task to accomplish. Many people believe that it takes loads of startup capital to get a business off the ground on the internet. This idea simply isnt true. First off all, lets get one thing straight; anyone can advertise their business for free. Running a simple search in google for the keyword, free advertising, or business classified ads will bring up loads of places to place your ad for free. A few favorites are Us Freed Ads, craigslist and Placing an ad at anyone of these places will surely generate some free targeted traffic, and Google just loves Us Freed Ads.

List Building and Auto Responders

List building is probably one of the most effective forms of marketing online. Creating a website that captures a visitors name and e-mail can be a great source of future income. The mistake here is many people capture names and e-mails just for the sake of doing it. Visitors will be more inclined to fill out your form if you have something to offer them such as a free news letter or report giving away little tips and secrets. After you have captured the names and e-mails of possible consumers, use a auto responder to send them a series of e-mails explaining your product or service, but be sure to build a relationship with your readers first. Never try to sell them on the product immediately. Over time you will begin to notice a sense of trust being built and an increase in sales.

Article Marketing

The internet is full of information and hungry for more 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Writing informative articles about your product or service and submitting these articles to article directories greatly enhances the exposure of your website. Simply write an article on your product, submit the article and in the resource box, place some information on yourself and a link back to your site. If you are trying to sell products on dog training, be sure to use the keyword dog training in the title of your article for better Google placement. A few places to check out are and Not only will you build quality traffic to your site, but you will receive tons of quality back links to increase you websites PR as well.

Copyright 2006 Timothy Rohrer

Timothy Rohrer is an established author and home business owner. To learn more about making money as an affiliate, visit http://www.1step-profits.comFeliza Blog23849
Victoria Blog11542

Be Your Own Boss: Start a Home Based Business

A home based business is the stuff that dreams are made of, for millions of people. Imagine a life where you are your own boss, and there are no Monday morning blues to drive away! Not surprising that every minute six people start a home based business somewhere in this world. If you want to start a home based business, one thing is certain you cant do it by sitting on the fence. Take that first step towards career heaven by understanding some of the basic requirements.

Start planning just because youre going to run it from home, doesnt mean that the usual brain numbing, soul searching activity, which goes under the polite name of business planning is to be dispensed with. Some of the important considerations are:

Identifying the right business this is the first thing to do when you start a home based business. Ask yourself what kind of product or service you want to offer. Is this something that youd like to do? Do you want to go it alone, or become a franchisee? There are lots of companies that offer attractive opportunities to home based partners, like or, and they may be worth considering too. Just be sure that your home is an appropriate location to run this type of business.

Identifying the market will you sell in your local area, or can you cater to a wider internet audience? Serving a distributed customer base may have its logistical issues.

Evaluating skill sets Do you have any special skills that can be turned to your advantage? For example, if you speak several foreign languages, have you considered translation services?

Counting heads while most people who start a home based business might work alone to start with, they need to grapple with manpower issues as the business grows. You need to plan in advance how many people you might need, say over the next few years, and whether the home business model will be able to sustain this expansion.

Crunching the numbers of course, you have to do the math. Smart home based businesses can be very profitable, especially since they involve lower overheads. Nevertheless, you might choose to start a home based business that needs a higher start-up funding, perhaps for inventory or equipment. Make sure you get the financials right, or ask a qualified professional to advise you on the profitability of your business model.

Remember the law a home based business will have to adhere to specific laws. These could be about any of the following:

Tax issues check whether a home business can avail of special tax breaks. Sometimes you might be able to set-off some taxes if you lease equipment rather than buy it outright. Be sure to understand the regulations specified by the local tax authorities.

Zoning laws is the business activity permitted to be carried out from residential premises? As your business expands, will the zoning restrictions change?

Insurance requirements if youre going to employ people in your home, find out whether you have adequate coverage. Workers compensation coverage and other benefits are mandatory in some places.

Occupational health and safety regulations your workplace must be a pleasant and safe environment for yourself, your employees and clients. Do ensure that you comply with laws that govern worker safety and related issues.

Think about your life while getting away from an office might be a key motivation for you to start a home based business, there are plenty of risks in bringing the office into your home. The first question you need to ask yourself is whether youre really the type who will enjoy operating from home? Do you have the discipline to chase business goals despite not having the rigors of a formal schedule? Can you motivate yourself enough to work alone at most times? And most important, will your office intrude upon your personal life more than ever? Make sure you sit down with your family members before you take that final step.

The decision to start a home based business can bring you huge rewards in terms of financial gain, flexibility and the confidence that comes with being in charge of your work life. However, nothing in life comes easy, and a home based business is no exception!

My name is Akhil Shahani, and I come from Mumbai,India's financial capital. I studied in Mumbai (Bachelor of Engineering) and in the United States (MBA from Kellogg,and am a Certified Management Consultant from International Council of Management Consulting Institutes). I worked in several companies in India and the U.S., but for the last 10 years, I am doing what I love best "entrepreneuring!",and founded India's first knowledge management software firm in the process! My latest venture is, a portal to help aspiring and seasoned entrepreneurs. I am also part of the family business,and the widespread charitable work that our family has been doing in the fields of health and education. I love to share experiences, and that's probably the reason why I find myself as part of many associations, including the Confederation of Indian Industry, NASSCOM and various networking bodies. Sadly there's not much free time in my life, but when I get the chance I like to indulge in my hobbies of reading, listening to alternative music and adding to my already considerable store of cigar trivia!Ethelin Blog89838
Vitia Blog9329

Cruise Vacations And Travel Agents What You Should Know

If you decide to use a travel agent to book your cruise travel, know whom you are dealing with! Some cruise agents are very competent; others may have been selling stereos or aluminum siding over the telephone six months ago. A cruise travel agent will be able to give you lots of information on many different cruise lines.

For instance, Carnival is known as the fun ships, Celebrity for their excellent cuisine. Disney, of course, is geared towards children, Holland America is more of an older group (not dead-they just don't want to be on a party ship), Princess is family oriented. Then there is the whole roster of luxury lines, SilverSeas, Radisson, and Crystal Cruises. All of them offer there own style of cruise travel

Ask the cruise travel agent some pointed questions. See if they have CLIA accreditation. CLIA stands for Cruise Lines International Association and is the industries standard. Find out how many cruise vacations the travel agent has been on and on which cruise lines. If the travel agent has only cruised on one line you know that will be the cruise line that they recommend. If they give the pros and cons of several cruise lines you know you have found a good cruise travel agent.

Always ask if they are a preferred supplier of the cruise line they are recommending. Many cruise travel agents who have booked numerous cabins on one particular cruise line will get preferred status meaning they will get an additional bonus from the cruise line for everyone they book for a cruise vacation.

Local travel agents or otherwise self-appointed cruise experts frequently read the cruise ship line PR veneer right out of the catalog. Often this turns out to be nothing more than selling you the standard discount for booking your cruise vacation that is available to virtually anyone off the so-called brochure rate.

The result is that you think you're getting a cruise ship that does not fulfill your criteria. What you find yourself on is a garish neon nightmare of a ship filled with people whose idea of a good time is drinking, partying, and then waking you up at 3AM as they boisterously announce their arrival back to their room--all right outside of your cabin.

For sure, this is the idea of a roaring good time for some--but the point is KNOW WHAT YOU ARE REALLY BUYING! There are many significant points and nuances that can differentiate between an OK trip, and one that falls short for the money you spend.

Many travel or cruise agencies often offer "special discounts". This is a common travel agency ploy to offer promotional deals that frequently focus on a special "cruise night." You may get a mailing or perhaps there is an ad in the local newspaper. You go in, are met and greeted, enjoy punch and free cookies, and view a dreamy cruise video.

Keep in mind that this is intended to appeal to a strong emotional purchase decision. Experts about the Psychology of selling relate this experience to what any top car salesperson knows. In the dealer's showroom, if you can get the potential customer behind the wheel to experience the "smell of the new car" and the fantasy of pulling it into the driveway--you've likely already made a sale!

However when you go to one of these get-togethers to preview cruise travel often they dont try and tailor your needs to a cruise that will fulfill those needs. Theyll provide you with general information trying to sell as many of the same cruise vacations as possible. You deserve to have your considerations met.

Cruise travel agents are certainly the easiest way to go when booking a cruise vacation, but if you do use a travel agent, have them one-on-one instead of in a group situation. Be sure they listen to what you are saying, and if you have any hesitancy, address it immediately. Most agents are professional enough to take a step back and make adjustments based on what you tell them.

So take a little time and research your cruise travel agent until you find one that you are comfortable with. When you find the right travel agent they will steer you to the best cruise line for you and you will experience a great cruise vacation.

Happy Cruising

Copyright © Mary Hanna, All Rights Reserved.

This article may be distributed freely on your website and in your ezines, as long as this entire article, copyright notice, links and the resource box are unchanged.

Mary Hanna has traveled the world by Air and Ship while writing eBooks, Software Reviews and Practical Articles on Internet Marketing, Cruising, Gardening and Cooking. Visit her websites at: and Blog21409
Fae Blog35743

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Common Search Engine Principles

Search engines will be your primary assistants in the internet, to satisfy your queries. As every one is familiar with, search engines are used to list the websites, which are appropriate to provide information about the key word phrase. In the world of internet marketing, every websites developers need their website to be listed top positions of search engine results and adopt search engine optimization techniques to optimize the websites according to the search engine requirements. However to start with optimization, primarily you have to be aware about the common search engine principles, which will detail about the basic working pattern of search engines.

Search engines are computer programs, created to find out particular web sites from the millions of websites present in internet. There are many types of search engines, such as crawler based, human based and hybrid. In crawler based search engines particular programs for the searching process, whereas, for human based search engines such as directories and DMOZ, human editors will list out the pages, according to the relevancy of the content. In hybrid search engines, crawlers may be used for the search, but, human editorial intervention will be present. Out of the three, programmed search engines are more common and their principles are quite different from human searches.

The most common principle of search engines is that their language will be HTML, and all the information will be coded in HTML codes. The web server will be entry page of the search engines. And, a specific input area such as box is present in the particular HTML page to enter the key word phrase. The crawler based search engines will use specific algorithmic programs to locate and list the pages. Even though the basic components will be same, the grouping of the specific algorithms will differ according to the search engine.

Spiders or robots will be the primary searching algorithms for search engines, which identifies the web pages. It will identify the web pages in its HTML source tags, and it differs with a browser for not having any visual components such as texts or graphics. Crawlers are used to find out the documents in the links prescribed in the web pages. Indexing is the next phase, in which the web pages will be listed according to their characteristic features such as text, HTML tags and other specialties. The indexed pages have to be stored for the search engines, and databases are the common store houses of the web pages. The result pages will then rank the priority of the web pages, according to the various factors of consideration in a search engine listing. And, the viewer can see the results in the display pages of the web server in HTML visual version.

Mike Francis' home page is a free directory that helps webmasters promote their sites and get relevant backlinks.We are now offering a new source of traffic Blog84022
Fan Blog70421
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